Focus Group Discussion to Support the Educational Process in the Gaza
06-06-2024The Jordan Strategy Forum convened a focus group discussion with the participation of several experts and specialists in the field of education in Gaza. The session aimed to discuss the challenges facing the educational process in the region and explore potential solutions to overcome them, with the goal of supporting and enhancing the educational initiatives in Gaza.

Focus Group Meeting with the Director General of the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS)
02-06-2024On Sunday, June 2nd, 2024, the Jordan Strategy Forum (JSF) hosted the Director General of the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS), Mr. Raja Khaldi, alongside several experts and JSF members.

Focused Group Meeting on the Disclosure Guide on Climate Change in Jordan
27-05-2024The Jordan Strategy Forum held a focused group meeting to discuss the initial draft of the disclosure guide on climate change, which was developed by the Amman Stock Exchange in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation. The session included participation from a group of officials, sustainability experts, and climate change experts from companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange who are also members of the Jordan Strategy Forum.

His Majesty King Abdullah II Bestowed the Jordan Strategy Forum the “King Abdullah II Award for Excellence, First Class”.
25-05-2024During the recent celebration which was held on the occasion of the 78th Independence Day of the Kingdom, His Majesty King Abdullah II bestowed upon the Jordan Strategy Forum the “King Abdullah II Award for Excellence, First Class” in recognition of its role in improving the business environment, contribution to the formulation of the Economic Modernization Vision, and enhancing dialogue between the public and private sectors and parliament.

The MENA Region in a World of Polycrisis
13-03-2024The World Bank and the Jordan Strategy Forum hosted the World Bank’s Vice President for the MENA Region, Mr. Ferid Belhaj, in a round table discussion titled "The MENA Region in a World of Polycrisis", the meeting was attended by several JSF members and representatives from the World Bank

Discussion Session “The Jordanian Economy: Current Dynamics & Future Outlook”
07-03-2024The Jordan Strategy Forum hosted Professor Zafiris Tzannatos, Senior Fellow at the Jordan Strategy Forum, a former official of several international institutions, and Chair of the Department of Economics at the American University of Beirut, to give an overview of the "Current Dynamics of the Jordanian Economy and Future Outlook", with wide participation from JSF members from the Jordanian private sector. The event was sponsored by Jordan Kuwait Bank and KbW Investments.