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Jordan Strategy Forum Held a Discussion Session on Corporate Wellbeing

The Jordan Strategy Forum (JSF) held a discussion session titled "Corporate Wellbeing: Modern Trends in the Workplace to Enhance Productivity”. The session was attended by members of the Forum, HR managers from private sector companies, and representatives from various governmental institutions. The session aimed to discuss the importance of wellbeing programs and modern initiatives to boost productivity and improve the work environment, as well as how to strengthen institutional culture in both the public and private sectors.
Nesreen Barakat, the CEO of the JSF, emphasized the critical role of "corporate wellness" programs in transforming workplace dynamics during a recent discussion. Barakat highlighted that such programs are pivotal in fostering effective working patterns, innovative human resources management, and cultivating a positive and supportive work environment.
“Adopting corporate wellness initiatives aligns perfectly with the JSF’s vision which is building a successful and responsible private sector,” Barakat stated. “A thriving private sector can only be achieved with a workforce empowered to contribute and innovate within a healthy, supportive, and flexible work environment. This approach not only benefits individual employees but is also crucial to the long-term success of institutions,” she added. Barakat further emphasized that investing in employee wellbeing is a strategic and necessary investment, as it enhances loyalty and reduces turnover, and directly contributes to the sustainability and success of institutions.
Dr. Mary Kawar, former Minister of Planning and International Cooperation and former Director of the International Labor Organization for East Africa, delivered a presentation on the impact of the work environment on productivity. She highlighted the strong link between productivity and competitiveness, stressing that companies should not pursue increased profitability at the cost of employee health or community wellness.
Kawar emphasized that providing a stable and safe work environment, along with ensuring equal opportunities, are crucial for improving productivity. She also pointed-out several key factors affecting labor productivity in Jordan, including wages, skill development, private sector structure, informal sector, social dialogue, and the legislative framework. Kawar concluded by affirming that strengthening these elements will directly contribute to building a strong, sustainable economy capable of competing both locally and globally.
On her part, Eng. Wedad Qtaishat, Director of the Public Sector Modernization Program Management and Implementation Unit at the Prime Ministry, emphasized that administrative modernization is a cornerstone of economic reform and investment attraction, stressing that qualified human resources are essential to achieving progress in this area. She noted that enhancing public administration directly improves the quality of services provided to citizens and strengthens the government's capacity to create an attractive business environment for investors.
Qtaishat highlighted that comprehensive government service centers are among the most significant recent initiatives aimed at advancing digital transformation. She affirmed that these centers enhance the citizen experience by delivering integrated government services, reducing bureaucracy, and expediting transactions.
Regarding the institutional culture component within the public sector modernization roadmap, Qtaishat explained that it is crucial to the success of the modernization efforts. She pointed out that the unit is working on its implementation by focusing on fostering positive employee behaviors and improving work systems and procedures. The goal, she added, is to create a work environment that encourages innovation and motivates employees to excel, ultimately contributing to the achievement of the government's strategic objectives and the public sector development roadmap.
Qtaishat concluded by stating that public sector modernization is an ongoing process that requires the efforts of all stakeholders to ensure the delivery of services that meet the needs of both citizens and investors, while also enhancing the competitiveness of the national economy as a whole.
During the event, a panel discussion was moderated by Eng. Daniel Sharaiha, Chief Human Resources Officer and Customer Experience at Bank al Etihad. Sharaiha emphasized the significance of engaging in this dialogue to showcase success stories from various companies and institutions. He pointed out that sharing these success stories enriches practical knowledge, allowing other organizations to learn from and implement best practices within their own operations.
Nisreen Qatamish, Director General and CEO of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF), emphasized that sustainable productivity, both personally and professionally, is unattainable without a work environment that supports employees’ mental health. She highlighted that employee mental health is critical, as it directly impacts their families, making it essential to prioritize and focus on this issue in workplaces.
Qatamish added, "it is vital to implement measurable mechanisms to enhance employee performance, regularly monitor their needs, and identify the causes of any productivity decline or changes in the work environment, to address them effectively."
She also noted that KHCF is actively promoting the importance of mental health in the workplace at the national level, aiming to integrate this concept across various sectors. Additionally, she highlighted that the King Hussein Cancer Foundation provides extra insurance benefits to support employees' mental health, reflecting the organization's commitment to fostering a healthy and holistic work environment.
Dana Al-Tamimi, Associate Director of Change Management and HR at Hikma Pharmaceuticals, stated that the company has prioritized employee wellbeing since its inception and continuously develops initiatives to enhance this critical aspect. This commitment not only boosts productivity but also positively impacts the company’s overall performance, enhancing its competitiveness both locally and internationally.
Al-Tamimi further explained that Hikma employs a comprehensive approach to regularly evaluate performance and productivity, identifying factors that may contribute to productivity declines or increased turnover rates. She emphasized that the company strives to create a comfortable work environment that meets various employee needs, such as designating rest areas for pregnant women, establishing outdoor workspaces, and allocating special days dedicated to employee well-being.
On her part, Carole Elias, Strategy Director at Progress Soft, pointed out that improving the work environment does not always require massive investments; simple changes like enhancing communication between teams and providing flexible work options can significantly increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty. She stressed the importance of change in work environments, indicating that companies should not hesitate to take steps in this direction but should seize opportunities to enhance the work environment and, consequently, develop competencies and overall company performance, as this has significant implications for productivity and innovation.
The event also included a discussion among participants and attendees regarding the key challenges companies face in adopting wellbeing programs and various initiatives, and their role in increasing employee productivity. Participants exchanged their ideas and experiences on how to achieve healthy and motivating work environments that contribute to employee wellbeing and enhance their performance.