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Discussion Session on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects in their Application Scope

The Jordan Strategy Forum held a discussion session titled "Public-Private Partnership Projects and Their Scope of Application in Jordan," with the participation of the Minister of Investment, H.E. Khuloud Saqqaf, and the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, H.E. Ahmad Hanandeh, along with representatives from government, international organizations, and the private sector.

Investment Minister Khuloud Saqqaf emphasized that the concept of public-private partnership (PPP) projects introduces a new collaborative approach designed to maximize the shared interests of both the private and public sectors while institutionalizing their relationship to advance Jordan's developmental goals. These goals, as outlined in the Economic Modernization Vision and its strategic plans, aim to create a sustainable economy grounded in competitiveness, expertise, and diversity, and ultimately delivering more robust economic development outcomes than what the public sector could achieve on its own.

Saqqaf highlighted that under the Investment Law, the Public-Private Partnership Unit has been integrated into the Ministry of Investment, positioning the ministry as the primary authority for investment in the Kingdom. She went on to outline several key measures the ministry has undertaken to attract foreign investors, strengthen existing investments, and support their expansion. These include significant legislative reforms, such as the issuance of the Investment Law, the approval of the Investment Policy, and the enactment of the Public-Private Partnership Law. Saqqaf affirmed that the 2023 Public-Private Partnership Projects Law is a cornerstone in completing the legislative framework necessary to attract and incentivize investments across various economic sectors. She also noted that this Law was specifically designed to streamline procedures, accelerate decision-making, and reduce the number of committees involved in PPP projects.

Saqqaf also highlighted that the ministry has developed the Executive Plan for Investment Promotion 2023-2026 and launched the "Invest in Jordan" ( platform, which features 17 sector profiles and 43 investment opportunities. She noted that there are currently five projects registered in the National Registry of Government Investment Projects, spanning various fields including transportation, infrastructure, buildings, and water.

Furthermore, she outlined that as part of its 2024 action plan, the Ministry of Investment will continue to drive forward several key initiatives. These include updating the investment opportunities portfolio, implementing the Investment Promotion Plan, and launching new initiatives such as preparing a National Investment Roadmap, conducting sector-specific market studies, developing guidelines for PPP contracts, and revising the model requirements for financial commitments in PPP projects. Additionally, she noted that the ministry will maintain the ongoing oversight of the investment opportunities portfolio.

Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmad Hanandeh underscored the significance of public-private partnerships (PPPs) and their potential to finance government projects, particularly given the substantial capital investment required amidst constrained public budgets. He highlighted the essential role of the private sector in both funding and executing major projects, leveraging its advanced technical and professional expertise in project management and execution.

Hanandeh also stressed that these discussion sessions are vital for clarifying the concepts, tools, and requirements of public-private partnerships. He emphasized that the principle of partnership goes beyond simple collaboration; it involves active participation in drafting legislation, shaping regulatory frameworks, and carrying through to decision-making and execution, all aimed at achieving the intended outcomes.

Hanandeh further noted that public-private partnership (PPP) projects are not confined to those listed in the National Registry of Government Investment projects. He highlighted that the private sector is encouraged to propose projects that are both feasible and strategically planned to benefit all stakeholders. He particularly stressed the importance of initiating PPP projects in the fields of digitization and digital transformation, where innovation can drive significant advancements and mutual benefits.

This discussion session was held by the Jordan Strategy Forum entitled "Public-Private Partnership Projects and their Application Scope in Jordan," attended by representatives from governmental and international bodies, and private sector members of the Jordan Strategy Forum. The event was sponsored by Bank al Etihad, Ahli Bank, PwC Jordan, and Umniah.

Al-Sharif Faris Sharaf, Chairman of the Jordan Strategy Forum, emphasized that the competitiveness of Jordan's economy is shaped by the interplay between internal and external factors. Given the prevailing uncertainty in global economies, including those in the Arab region, he stressed the importance of unifying efforts to enhance internal factors that bolster local resilience. This involves implementing strategic visions, and providing services and infrastructure that effectively meet the needs of citizens. Sharaf highlighted that achieving these goals requires a thoughtful approach to the tools, methods, and financing mechanisms available to secure the necessary resources and expertise. He underscored that public-private partnerships are among the key instruments capable of turning challenges into opportunities and transforming ambitious ideas into tangible realities.

In this context, Sharaf reaffirmed that the Jordan Strategy Forum is convening this session to build consensus on partnership concepts and their practical applications, with the goal of establishing an effective, shared framework that strengthens cooperation, unifies national efforts, and guides all stakeholders toward achieving common developmental objectives.

During the session, Nesreen Barakat, CEO of the Jordan Strategy Forum, delivered a presentation outlining the concepts and importance of public-private partnerships (PPPs). She pointed out that a true partnership between the public and private sectors in capital investment projects could provide alternative options to address Jordan's narrow fiscal space, the growing weaknesses in infrastructure, and the quality and efficiency of public services, highlighting that by leveraging the private sector's expertise in project execution and service provision, these challenges can be more effectively managed.

Barakat also indicated that the scope of PPPs is broad, with different partnership models varying based on the tasks transferred to the private sector or the legal ownership of projects’ assets. This, in turn, determines the level of risk borne by the private sector in the projects. In this context, she cited several successful examples and experiences from different countries, including Jordan, that demonstrate the diverse models of public-private partnerships.

An open discussion, moderated by Mr. Mohammad Amawi, Managing Partner at Amawi, Takrouri & Associates, brought together all participants to explore various aspects of public-private partnership (PPP) projects and the opportunities for their application. The discussion emphasized the critical importance of building trust between partners, fostering effective communication, and developing sustainable strategies to overcome challenges. Participants also shared recommendations for enhancing and evolving future cooperation mechanisms, underscoring the need for innovation in designing partnerships that align with the diverse needs and shared goals of all parties involved.