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"Inspirational Speaker Series" Session for Mr. Maher Kaddoura

“Are you a player, spectator or referee” was a panel discussion organized by JSF for the students of Princess Sumaya University with Mr. Maher Kaddoura, businessperson and social activist. Participation of youth in the future despite industry conditions was the focus of the discussion with the idea of motivating students and encouraging perseverance and determination to work for success in life. Between JSF’s and Mr. Kaddoura’s, there has been initiative in holding this kind of dialogue with young people to transfer expertise from business owners to the youth. Mr. Kaddoura began with introducing models and success stories such as the Mustafa Salameh (one of the climbers that reached highest peak in the world), Zaid Thabian, Najj Abu Nawar, Salah Al Oqabi, Dima Hijjawi and Sohail Al Nashash. He noted that what unites them is their persistence and the launch of their abilities and talents. It was stressed that everyone must launch potential capabilities by themselves, family, and surrounding community with the overall theme that each person is writing the story of his or her own success. Mr. Kaddoura also talked about basic keys to success in life, and urged young people to think positive and remain motivated while on their way to work and success.